Enjoying the Autumn Leaves

The autumn season begins in mid-September at Murodo
All of nature is dyed in vibrant colors during the autumn season. Autumn starts early at the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route where the area gradually takes on autumn colors from its highest point to its lowest, allowing you to enjoy yourself for an extended period of time. Murodo is located at the top of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, 2,450 meters above sea level, and is an excellent location for viewing the three Tateyama mountains, Mt. Oyama, Mt. Jodo, and Mt. Bessan in autumn form. The earth changes color starting in mid-September, making the 3,000 meter Tateyama Mountain Range dyed in red and orange an exquisite sight to see.

The excellent view of the plateau autumn grass turning red, yellow, and green
One of the best parts of autumn up at Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is the plateau autumn grass. In mid-September, the Nephrophyllidium, Sorbus sambucifolia, Sorbus matsumurana, and Acer tschonoskii plants take on new colors, and by late September, the Geum pentapetalum blooming around the hotel transform to look almost like a giant scarlet carpet. The plateau's beautiful gradation of red, yellow, and green is simply stunning.

The contrast of the azure lake and autumn leaves
Murodo features a number of great places for autumn viewing, such as Mikurigaike, Midorigaike, and Raichozawa. The surfaces of Mikurigaike and Midorigaike turn azure on clear days, causing a breathtaking contrast with the surrounding autumn leaves. Sorbus commixta and Acer tschonoskii, found around Raichozawa and Jodozawa, change to vibrant colors in late September. Take this opportunity to go trekking in nature's beautiful autumn garden.